For decades, screen, and theater writers have used notecards to hone their craft. SuperNotecard for Scriptwriting offers distinct advantages over traditional script editing programs.
Scene Focus with Narrative Awareness
In SuperNotecard each scene is a card that you can shuffle and arrange on the screen. Press a key to edit any scene or drag-and-drop to link it to other elements in the script. Create oulines by moving notecards into decks and survey it all from the handy project explorer or via the keyword search function.
In SuperNotecard you define characters and storylines, assign them to scenes and ultimately achieve a new and inspiring story perspective. Inspect scenes that relate to a particular character or that follow a single story line. Use it to find scenes with sparse dialogue, missing characters or not enough Intensity.
Like 3 x 5 notecards on the coffee table, SuperNotecard is an excellent organizer. Click for Detail
As the script evolves with notecards, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to keep track of your great ideas. Use an intuitive outline view or pop characters into separate windows to refine profiles while you work. Add secret notes to your scenes or even time them for precision.
Feature Highlights
Assemble projects with either screenplay or stageplay text formatting, or build fiction and non-fiction works
Drag-n-drop cards to reorganize and refine the flow
Efficiently define and track characters, plots, and settings in your scenes
Instantly find scenes by keyword, category or character.
Export to Final Draft or your favorite script editing software
Hit a keystroke to insert a wide range of common script text elements
Time your scenes or flag them for follow-up
Enable Automatic scene sequencing
Available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Enjoy perfect file compatibility across platforms